Grief Resources

Donor Network West provides donor families with grief resources as part of our Aftercare program. It can be very difficult to find comfort in a time of loss. Our hope is that the provided information will help you find some peace during your healing process.
Grief Literature
For Those Who Give and Grieve by the National Kidney Foundation
When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis
When Bad Things Happen to Good People by H.S. Kushner
Healing your Grieving Heart by Alan Wolfelt
The Courage To Grieve: Creative Living, Recovery and Growth Through Grief by Judy Tatelbaum
No Time for Goodbyes: Coping with Sorrow, Anger, and Injustice After a Tragic Death by Janice Harris Lord
After the Darkest Hour, The Sun Will Shine Again: A Parents’ Guide To Coping With The Loss of a Child by Elizabeth Mehren
Silent Grief: Living in the Wake of Suicide by Christopher Lukas and Henry M. Seiden
Understanding Your Suicide Grief by Dr. Alan Wolfelt
When the Bough Breaks: Forever After the Death of a Son or Daughter by Judith Bernstein
A Child Dies: A Portrait of Family Grief by Joan Hagan Arnold and Penelope B. Gemma
Finding Hope When a Child Dies: What Other Cultures Can Teach Us by Sukie Miller
Children's Grief Literature
An Extraordinary Gift by Gwenn Silva and Clea Vannet
Children Grieve, Too by Joy & Dr. Marvin Johnson
Sad Isn’t Bad by Michaelene Mundy
Memories Live Forever by Sharon Rugg, et al.
When Someone Very Special Dies by Marge Heegaard
A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret M. Holmes
Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to a Child by Bryan Mellonie & Robert Ingpen
The Next Place by Warren Hanson
Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss by Pat Schwiebert & Chuck DeKlyen
The Saddest Time by Norma Simon
Workbooks for Grieving Kids: After a Murder; After a Suicide Produced by The Dougy Center
But I Didn’t Say Goodbye: For Parents and Professionals Helping Child Suicide Survivors by Barbara Rubel
Healing your Grieving Heart For Kids; Healing your Grieving Heart for Teens by Alan Wolfelt
How It Feels When a Parent Dies by Jill Krementz
The Memory Box by Joanna Rowland
Griefshare: A network of grief support groups
National Kidney Foundation: The National Kidney Foundation’s resource website for organ and tissue donor families
The Hospice Foundation of America: The Hospice Foundation provides grief resources on their website, as well as a monthly newsletter
What’s Your Grief?: A blog started by two bereavement professionals
Compassionate Friends: A resource for those who have lost a child
The Dougy Center: The website for the National Center for Grieving Children and Families
The Healing Garden: An interactive resource for children to help them on their grief journey
The American Association of Suicidology: A national resource for suicide survivors
Local Support Resources
Bay Area, California
- Alameda County 24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-800-309-2131
- Alameda County Crisis Support Services
- Circle of Care – East Bay Agency for Children
- Contra Costa Crisis Center
- Hope Hospice
- Hospice by the Bay
- Hospice East Bay
- Kara
- Mission Hospice & Home Care
- Pathways Hospice
- Sutter Care at Home
Central Valley, California
Northern California
Northern Nevada
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