A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
A person who is brain dead is legally confirmed as dead. Brain death is an irreversible loss of blood flow to the brain and causes the brain to stop functioning. No one can recover from brain death. Organ donors are people who suffer brain death, but their body is kept functioning by a ventilator that provides oxygen to the major organs. Link Style
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